This is a recording of the talk I gave during our weekly gathering of the Lenten Retreat in Daily Living I’m giving at UST and at St. Hubert’s. The talk begins by reminding participants about some of the dynamics of Ignatian Prayer and then talks about the movement of Week 3 of the Exercises, where their prayer now turns. (The podcast runs for 16:20.)
Thu, 17 December 2009
This is a recording of the talk I gave during the final session of the Advent Retreat in Daily Living I gave at UST Law School this Advent. It focuses on the gift of hope that we as Christians are called to bring to a troubled world. The podcast runs for 20:50.
Thu, 10 December 2009
This is a recording of the talk I gave during the third session of the Advent Retreat in Daily Living I'm giving at UST Law School this Advent. It focuses on our response to God's invitation to transformation - of ourselves and of the world. The podcast runs for 20:37.
Thu, 3 December 2009
This is a recording of the talk I gave during the second gathering of the four week Advent Retreat in Daily Living I'm giving at the University of St. Thomas School of Law. Our theme for this week is God's Invitation and my talk focused on the invitations contained in our Advent scriptures. The podcast runs for 23:12. |
Mon, 30 November 2009
This podcast is the fourth in a series based on the 8-day guided retreat I gave this past summer at St. Ignatius Retreat House on the theme, <em>The Gift of an Awakened Heart</em>. It seeks to help us get in touch with our call to gift the world with our awakened hearts, to know that we are each individually called by God to go out into the world. The vehicle I use for doing that in this podcast is our baptism vows. Reflecting on the radical nature of the three promises first made on our behalf at our Baptism, and remade by us each time we recite the Creed, helps us get in touch wil our call to gift the world with our love. The length of this podcast is 19:11. |
Thu, 26 November 2009
This is a recording of the talk I gave during the first meting of the UST 2009 Advent Retreat in Daily Living. The talk focused on Advent as a time of longing, our longing for God. The invitation during this first week is for the participants to get in touch with their own longing for God, focusing on what they need for God. The rubric I invited them to use for doing that is the "O" Antiphones, the seven antiphons that are chanted or recited during the octave before Christmas. I talked about both the structural pattern and the content of the antiphons. The podcast runs for 23:49. |
Fri, 13 November 2009
This is a recording of a talk I gave during a mid-day reflection at the University of St. Thomas School of Law on the four cardinal virtues. I address each of the four virtues - temperence, fortitude, justice and prudence and talk about what they mean in our lives. The podcast runs for 24:24.
Tue, 27 October 2009
This podcast is a recording of the talk I gave at St. Hubert's as part of the Fall Prayer Series I'm offering this fall at UST and at St. Hubert's. In the talk I speak of one of Thomas Merton's foundational religious experiences and also a little about one of the great mystical writers of the 14th century, Julian of Norwich. The podcast runs for 27:14.
Fri, 23 October 2009
This podcast is a recording of a talk I gave at the University of St. Thomas School of Law on the subject, Sprituality Across Faith Traditions. The talk identifies three dynamics that find expression in all major world religions. (The podcast runs for 32:45.)
Sun, 18 October 2009
This podcast is the third in a series drawn from an 8-day guided retreat I gave at St. Ignatius Retreat House this summer on the theme of The Gift of an Awakened Heart. It addresses our need to get in touch with those wounded areas of ourselves that prevent us from opening ourselves fully to God's love. The length of the podcast is 14:59.
Tue, 6 October 2009
This is a recording of a talk I gave at the University of St. Thoams at the fifth session there of a Fall Prayer Series I'm offering both at UST and at St. Hubert's this fall. During this talk, I explain what focusing prayer and what are its underpinnings. I then lead the participantes in a guided meditation of this form of prayer. The podcast runs for 27:01; the guided meditation begins at about 11:45.
Tue, 29 September 2009
This is a recording of a talk I gave at the University of St. Thomas at the fourth session there of a Fall Prayer Series I'm offering both at UST and at St. Hubert's this fall. During this talk, I explain what this form of meditation is and why and how it might be used by Christians in their prayer. The podcast runs for 31:56, that last 10 minutes or so of which is a guided meditation.
Sun, 27 September 2009
This podcast is the second in a series drawn from an 8-day guided retreat I gave at St. Ignatius Retreat House this summer on the theme of The Gift of an Awakened Heart. It talks about the miconceptions that prevent us from opening ourselves fully to God's love and that inhibit awakening our hearts. The length of the podcast is 15:51.
Wed, 23 September 2009
This week's session of the Fall Prayer Series at St. Thomas focused on Centering Prayer. Because Centering Prayer is not a regular part of my own prayer practice, the session was facilitated by Jennifer Wright. This podcast (which runs for 26:22) is a recording of the talk she gave.
Wed, 16 September 2009
This is a recording of a talk I gave at the University of St. Thoams at the second session there of a Fall Prayer Series I'm offering both at UST and at St. Hubert's this fall. During this talk, I address why poetry, art and music can be useful elements of our prayer and suggested some ways of using them in our prayer. The podcast runs for 15:37.
Wed, 9 September 2009
This is a recording of a talk I gave at the University of St. Thoams at the first session there of a Fall Prayer Series I'm offering both at UST and at St. Hubert's this fall. During this talk I give a brief introduction to the series and some basic instrucion in two methods of praying with Scripture. The podcast runs for 22:22.
Tue, 8 September 2009
This podcast is the first in a series drawn from an 8-day guided retreat I gave at St. Ignatius Retreat House this summer on the theme of The Gift of an Awakened Heart. Drawn from two of the talks I gave, it first identifikes the qualities of awakened heart and then talks about what it means to live out of that awakened heart. The length of the podcast is 22:03.
Thu, 4 June 2009
Many people struggle with feelings of unworthiness, worrying that they are not really lovable by God. During a retreat several years ago, I had a powerful experience praying with the Hymn to Love in St. Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians. I talk about the experience and the use of this passage as way of lessenting this struggle in this brief reflection. The length of this podcast is 9:26.
Direct download: Reflection_on_Saint_Pauls_Hymn_of_Love.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:45pm EDT |
Tue, 5 May 2009
This podcast offers a brief reflection of Jesus instruction to his disciples in Matthew's Gospel to be "the light of the world." The podcast runs for 7:44.
Tue, 14 April 2009
This is a recording of the brief talk I gave at the University of St. Thomas at the final group session of the Lenten Retreat in Daily Living I gave at UST and at St. Hubert’s. In it I talked a little more about praying with the resurrected Christ and about the Contemplatio, a prayer exercise that comes at the end of the Spiritual Exercises. The podcast ends with a short guided reflection on the graces of the retreat. The podcast runs for 14:51. |
Tue, 7 April 2009
This is a recording of the talk I gave at UST today, durign the weekly meeting of the Lenten Retreat in Daily Living I’m giving at UST and at St. Hubert’s. In this podcast, I talk a little more about the experience of praying with the Passion (which I spoke about in the last session), about "Tomb Day" in the Ignatian Exercises, and about praying with the resurrected Jesus. (The podcast runs for 14:46.)
-- posted at: 3:16pm EDT
Thu, 2 April 2009
-- posted at: 2:51pm EDT
Thu, 26 March 2009
This is a recording of the talk I gave during this week's session of the Lenten Retreat in Daily Living I’m giving at UST and at St. Hubert’s. The talk addresses Ignatius' approach to decisionmaking. (The podcast runs for 26:21.) |
Sun, 22 March 2009
This is the fifth and last in the series, Reclaiming Who I Am, based on a 3-day women's retreat I gave at St. Ignatius Retreat House in February 2008. The first two podcasts in this series focused on the myths we live with as humans and as women that prevent us from seeing ourselves as God sees us. They represent what we must “lay down.” The next three podcasts in the series address what we need to reclaim. Having talked in about our need to see ourselves as the beloved of God and to recognize our giftedness, this final podcast reflects on what it means to say that each of us is individually called by God. The length of this podcast is 15:56. |
Thu, 19 March 2009
This is a recording of the talk I gave during the fourth weekly group meeting of the Lenten Retreat in Daily Living I’m giving at the University of St. Thomas. The talk addresses spiritual consolation and spiritual desolation. ( podcast runs for 14:56.) |
Thu, 12 March 2009
This is a recording of the talk I gave during the third week of the Lenten Retreat in Daily Living at the University of St. Thomas. During this past week, the prayer focused on sin (Week One of the Spiritual Exercises). This week, the prayer moves into Week 2 of the Spiritual Exercises, which is all about seeking the grace fo know, love and follow Jesus more closely. The talk briefly addresses the early discourgement that sometimes arises during a retreat like this, introduces the Ignatian Triple Colloquy and then talks about the transition between Week 1 and Week 2 of the Spirtiual Exercises. Near the end of the talk, I also speak a little about the prayer material for the upcoming week. The podcast runs for 23:40. |
Sun, 8 March 2009
Marian Apparitions, is the sixth and final podcast in a series drawn from an 8-day guided retreat I gave at St. Ignatius Retreat House in June 2007, on the theme of Embracing Mary. The podcast relates the story of two of the more famous Marian apparitions and reflects on both Mary\’s message and our reaction to the stories of her appearances. The podcast runs for 14:58. |
Thu, 5 March 2009
This is a recording of the talk I gave during the the second meeting of the Lenten Retreat in Daily Living at UST. This week, the retreatant's prayer moves into Week 1 of the Spiritual Exercises, which focues on sin. This talk briefly addressing certain dynamics of Ignatian prayer and then giving instruction in praying a daily examen, a prayer that is a useful addition to everyone’s daily prayer, but that is particularly recommended by St. Ignatius during Week 1 of the Exercises. Toward the end, I also speak a little about the prayer material for the upcoming week. The podcast runs for 19:41. |
Fri, 27 February 2009
This is a recording of the talk I gave at the opening session of the Retreat in Daily Living I am giving at the University of St. Thomas. It provides an introduction to St. Ignatius and the Spiritual Exercises, the scheme of which is followed during these weeks of prayer. It also gives some basic instruction in praying with scripture and some other dynamics of Ignatian prayer.
Fri, 20 February 2009
This is a recording of the talk I gave during a mid-day student reflection at the University of St. Thomas law school earlier this week. It attempts to identify some of the things that block us from receiving God's love, that prevent us from being all we can be for the life of the world.
Thu, 29 January 2009
This is a recording of the talk I gave during a mid-day reflection for students of the University of St. Thomas School of Law on January 28. The reflection invited participants to consider ways in which we decide that certain people are fundamentally “not us” and to start to think about how we might relinquish the attitudes that prevent our full loving encounter with Christ disguised as an “other.” (19:55)
Mon, 26 January 2009
This podcast, titled Mary, Prophet of Justice, is the fifth in a planned series of six podcasts drawn from an 8-day guided retreat I gave in June 2007, on the theme of Embracing Mary. The podcast reflects on Mary’s proclamation of hope expressed in the Magnificat and what that message means for us today. (The podcast runs for 18:29.) |
Thu, 8 January 2009
This podcast, titled Mary, Mother of the Church, is the fourth in a planned series of six podcasts drawn from an 8-day guided retreat I gave in June 2007, on the theme of Embracing Mary. It begins with Jesus' words to Mary and John at the foot of the cross and explores what it means to call Mary the Mother of the Church. (The podcast runs for 18:02.)